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What Is An Orthopedic Surgeon?

What Is An Orthopedic Surgeon?

Orthopedics is an important medical field. It focuses on the musculoskeletal system and the diseases and conditions that affect it. This extends to your joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones, and nerves.

There are a lot of reasons to see an orthopedic doctor, such as when you have an issue like swelling or pain with any of these parts of your body. Some people wait until they have an injury, or they’re dealing with chronic pain or inflammation such as arthritis or pain in their lower back.

Let’s dive into orthopedic doctors and surgeons. They deal with basic structures of musculature like tendons, ligaments and muscles. And they also offer orthopedic surgery in Baltimore.

Let’s explore “What do orthopedic surgeons do?” and “What does an orthopedic specialist do?” right now.

What Does An Orthopedic Doctor Do?

When bringing up an orthopedic surgeon, “What do they do?” is a fair question to have shortly after.

An orthopedic doctor can diagnose conditions surrounding your musculoskeletal system. They help you with your rehab as well so you can regain movement strength and range of motion.

They can assist you with strategies to prevent arthritis and other chronic conditions that could affect you.

In addition, orthopedic specialists will give you lifestyle tips to avoid aggravating your injuries or otherwise reduce inflammation in your joints and musculoskeletal system.

Conditions That Are Treated By Orthopedic Doctors

Orthopedic doctors and surgeons can treat a variety of conditions. Typically these conditions have to do with ACL tears, other tendons and ligaments, arthritis, joint pain, back pain, and bone fractures.

There are many types of orthopedic surgery available. In addition, it may be more effective for you to undergo physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or medication cycles.

It’s important to schedule a consultation with an orthopedic doctor because what seems to be a small amount of pain or discomfort can become more serious over time.

Find Out More About Orthopedics Now

You can reach out to Ascension St. Agnes to learn more about our avenues of care. There is surgery available for your arm, wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, joints, and back.

Essentially, if it has to do with a muscle, ligament, or tendon somewhere in your body, then an orthopedic surgeon can help you with your condition.

Of course, surgery is not always appropriate. We’ll conduct a full evaluation before recommending any kind of invasive operation — so reach out today.