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Man Holding His Knee in Pain

Tips To Keep Your Knees Healthy


Your knees are one of the important joints in your body, and they take a lot of abuse. Whether you’re a runner, cyclist, or just someone who spends a lot of time on your feet, keeping your knees healthy is essential. With age and wear and tear, the bones, ligaments, and tendons in your knees can become damaged. You may visit an orthopedic doctor in Baltimore if you have any major knee injuries. These experts will provide solutions to help you get back on your feet again.

Common Knee Injuries Or Ailments

Many knee injuries or ailments can be prevented with proper knee care. Some of the common knee injuries include:

1) Patellofemoral syndrome (PFPS) occurs when the kneecap does not track properly in the knee joint.

2) Runner’s knee, an overuse injury that causes pain and tenderness around or behind the kneecap.

3) a sudden twisting knee joint movement causes ACL tears.

4) Meniscal tears occur when the cartilage around the knee joint is torn.

5) Knee osteoarthritis a progressive degenerative condition that causes pain and stiffness in the knee joint.

To prevent these injuries and maintain healthy knees, it’s essential to take steps to keep them strong, flexible, and well-supported. Here are five tips to help you keep your knees healthy:

1) Exercise Regularly

Low-impact activities like swimming and cycling can be especially beneficial for strengthening the muscles around your knees without putting too much stress on them. Weight-bearing exercises also provide extra support, so consider adding light weightlifting (with proper form) into your routine.

For example, exercises like step-ups, squats, and lunges strengthen your thigh muscles while also improving balance.

2) Wear Proper Footwear

The right shoes can make all the difference in protecting your knees. Make sure you choose shoes that fit correctly and provide good support for your feet and ankles. Check for features like arch support, shock absorption, and cushioning. Wearing the wrong types of shoes can put extra stress on your knees, so it pays to invest in proper footwear.

3) Have a Good Posture

Poor posture, like sitting in a reclined position, causes the knee joint to be under additional pressure, straining it over time. Make sure you practice good posture while sitting and standing by engaging your core muscles, keeping your back straight, drawing your shoulders away from your ears, and balancing your weight on both feet.

Wear a posture brace or use reminder devices, like posture trackers and apps that help you maintain the proper form.

4) Use Aids To Minimize Knee Stress

If you are recovering from a knee injury, crutches and braces can reduce stress on your joints as it helps with balance and weight bearing. You may use either forearm crutches or single-point canes for support. Braces and supports, such as knee sleeves and braces, also reduce arthritic pain and prevent further injury.

5) Maintain Your Health

When your weight is within a healthy range, it decreases stress on your knees. If you are overweight or obese, consult your doctor and nutritionist about how to reduce your weight. A person with knee pain should avoid a few foods, like foods with extra fats and sugars, but otherwise, eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help keep your weight in check and make your joints healthier.

Knee replacement is one of the best treatments for knee pain and disability. For the best knee replacement in Baltimore, contact Saint Agnes Hospital. We provide comprehensive orthopedic care and are dedicated to helping our patients reach their goals.